Federal Programs

Mission Statement

The mission of Federal Programs is ​to provide technical assistance, program monitoring and resources to local educational agencies (LEA) to ensure that all children have an opportunity to obtain a high quality education and to achieve proficiency on the state's high academic achievement standards.​

Annual Georgia Surveys

The annual Georgia Student Health Survey, Georgia Parent Survey and the Georgia School Personnel Survey opens ** DATE ** Survey participation is voluntary this year but we STRONGLY encourage participation to maintain an accurate account of the supports students need at this time.

Also, please note that the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) requires that schools must notify parents/guardians about the student survey and give them the option to opt out if so desired. Georgia Student Health Survey questions can be made available for review by parents/guardians. GaDOE  allows parents to “opt out” of survey participation by returning a signed consent form to the school. Of course, local school systems that wish to use "active" parental consent may certainly do so. Passive consent letters and the survey questions are available on our GSHS webpage. Just look to the right of your screen under "related documents".

Surveys for Parents & School Personnel