Child Find

What is Child Find?

The purpose of Child Find is to identify, locate, and evaluate children and youth ages 3 to 22 years of age who are suspected of having or have a diagnosed disability or developmental delay, in order to provide appropriate special education services under the law.

When Should a Child Be Referred to Child Find?

A child should be referred when:

  • A health or medical disorder interferes with the development and/ or learning
  • A child seems to have difficulty seeing or hearing
  • A child appears to have social, emotional, or behavioral difficulties that affect his/her ability to learn or interact with others
  • A child has a diagnosed progressive or degenerative condition that will eventually impair or impede the child's ability to learn
  • A child seems to have difficulty understanding directions like others that are his/her age.
  • A child's speech is not understood by family or friends child has difficulty with reading, writing, math, or other school subjects

What is Special Education?

Special Education is instruction designed to meet the unique learning strengths and needs of the individual student with disabilities from ages 3 to 22 years of age.

It is defined as:

  •     specifically designed instruction  at no cost to the parents  to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability

Special education services may be provided in a variety of educational settings, but are required by IDEA to be delivered in the least restrictive environment (LRE).

Who is Eligible for Services?

    A student must be evaluated and identified as having a disability to be eligible for special education programs and related services. The degree of the student's impairment must require special education.

The disability categories are:

  •     Autism

  •     Hearing Impairment including Deafness Deaf-Blindness

  •     Emotionally Disturbed

  •     Language/Speech Disorder

  •     Significant Developmental Delay

  •     Intellectual Disabilities

  •     Multiple Disabilities
  •     Orthopedic Impairment
  •   Other Health Impairment

  •     Specific Learning Disability
  •    Traumatic Brain Injury
  •   Visual Impairment


How Can Children Be Referred?

A referral may be made by a parent or by any person concerned about a child. Parent involvement and agreement is obtained prior to any further action. Information is confidential and the privacy of children and parents is protected.

Child Find Activities

The Tattnall County School District carries out Child Find activities to locate, identify, and evaluate children attending the private schools within the jurisdiction of the Tattnall County School District.